Water Treatment
Water Treatment at Sharplift stemmed from the pre and post treatment involved with desalinators. A range of domestic, commercial and industrial water filtration solutions are available through Sharplift.
Industrial Water Treatment
Sharplift supplies large water treatment systems for industrial, municipal and commercial applications including:
- Sterilisation
- Chlorinisation
- Filtration - multimedia, bag filters, sediment cartridge and spin filters
- Water Softening
- U-Tube Technology
- Desalination - Filters
Contact us to discuss the appropriate treatment system for a particular application.
Domestic Water Purifiers
Sharplift stocks the complete range of water purifiers that can be installed in your home. These systems are designed to clean up your town water supply by using 1 micron filters that inhibit the re-growth of bacteria and reduce chlorine, herbicides, organic compounds and chloroform from the water you are consuming. Where further filtration is required dual filter units are available that offer pre-filters to remove silt, rust, hair and other large particles from the water supply.
The range includes small Undersink and Counter Top units for individual taps right up to Reverse Osmosis Systems connected the water system for the ultimate in water purification.

Spare Cartirdges
We stock cartridge and carbon filters to fit almost any brand of water filtration system. If you require spares for your existing system, please contact us.
UV Filters
UV Sterilisation uses a UV lamp projecting UV rays to sterilise water. UV sterilisation is effective in killing 99.9% of all germs and bacteria in the water. These lamps are installed between the water storage location and the water outlet, either on board vessels or in a land based or domestic situation.